Let’s Talk Laser

Let’s talk about laser hair removal!!! Why is it not talked about more?! I understand that it could be uncomfortable and somewhat awkward, but the more we have open dialogue about it, the less power the topic holds over us!

I’m gonna talk about it all: price, pain, time it takes, etc. There are so many questions about this process that I had going into it, and I could not find answers ANYWHERE. Everything online is so vague. I am going to detail my experience here so hopefully it helps anyone who is considering getting it done! 

I began my laser hair removal “journey” in November of 2018, so a little over two years ago. I started with getting my armpits and bikini done, then added my legs last year. I found my place just by googling “laser hair removal near me.” I ended up at North Shore Laser Hair Removal and Electrology in Danvers. The owner, Gail, does it out of her house and she is the SWEETEST! I like the more homey feel as opposed to some of the sterile and unwelcoming medspas. I chose Gail because of her stellar reviews and I wanted a more personal experience.

First off – how do you know if you are a good candidate for laser hair removal?!? I did not know this, but laser only works if you have light skin with dark hair. If you have dark skin or blonde hair, the laser will unfortunately burn your skin instead of the hair and therefore be ineffective. 

What are the benefits of laser hair removal?

  • Less shaving! You will either have no hair on the area, or it will be very light and fine
  • No more ingrown hairs
  • Saves money! In the long run, you will save money on razor blades and waxing treatments
  • Less skin irritation. Shaving and other hair removal methods may irritate your skin. I have THE most sensitive skin and my skin will slightly sting for an hour or so after my laser session, but it is totally manageable and my skin won’t bother me all the way up to my next session.

My biggest concern going into this experience was pain. I am literally the biggest baby when it comes to my pain tolerance. I just didn’t think I could handle it. I looked into numbing creams or how to actually ~drug~ myself before going so it wouldn’t hurt lol. I talked to Gail about all my concerns and she made me feel super comfortable and not worried. She actually doesn’t believe in numbing creams because it sometimes blocks the hair follicles and makes the laser not work as effectively. She showed me what the laser would feel like by shooting a little follicle on my hand, and I was shocked by how little I felt. My first appointment I flinched a little with each “hit” of the laser, but it really was not bad. Now when I go, I am there for over an hour and I will actually nap on the table. I barely feel it!! Don’t let pain be the reason you decide not to get this done.  

Every laser hair removal place is different, but here is a rough outline of how often I go, what to do to prepare for the appointment, and what happens after. Before the first appointment, you shave the areas you are getting treated. Your laser specialist will then aggressively “hit” these spots with the laser. After the first appointment, you CANNOT shave until your next appointment!! This is really important because Gail, or whoever does your treatment, wants to see how the hair is growing back, and what hairs need an extra “hit.” You will return for another appointment in about 4-6 weeks. During this time, your hair will grow back and fall out! Then it will grow back and stay, but the color will be lighter and the hairs will feel less coarse. You may have some follicles that don’t grow back at all! It probably took me around 4 appointments to see permanent change. Now, my bikini and armpit hairs won’t grow back for at least a month, and when they do, only a little hair grows back and you can barely see it. For my legs, I have had roughly 5 appointments total, and have already seen a huge change. Some areas of my legs have no hair at all, and others have very short, fine, and light hairs. It is really important to note that laser will not make your legs completely hairless and silky smooth, but it’ll get you almost all the way there!

Another important thing is that if you tan in the summer, you will not be able to have any appointments during the summer months! I usually laser from about October to May. 

Let’s talk price! Gail is SUPER reasonably priced in my opinion. My armpits and bikini were a package deal. $1000 for UNLIMITED sessions for a year. Gail expects that the hair will be gone within a year, however if it isn’t, she will let you keep coming for no extra charge. For my legs, it was $3000 for 6 sessions. Again, if the hair is not gone within this time, Gail will do touchups for free or for a very small charge. You can get smaller areas done and pay per session if you’d like as well. 

I TOTALLY understand that this is an investment. I know it is not common to have thousands of dollars lying around to spend on laser hair removal!

For me, the investment was SO worth it. In the past two years, I haven’t had one single “oh shit” moment where I am at the beach or working out and have to check to see if I shaved. Because, even if I didn’t, the hair either isn’t there or isn’t noticeable! 

If you are in the area, you can find Gail’s services here: https://www.laserhairremoval-northshore.com 

I hope that this helps anyone who is considering getting laser hair removal. I have literally no shame talking about it, so feel free to ask any questions! The more we insert these kind of topics into everyday conversations, the less embarrassing or uncomfortable they will be to talk about.

Laser away my friends!!!

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