Bachelorette Finale Parts 1 & 2: Tayshia is in loooooooove

YOU GUYS CAN YOU BELIEVE WE ARE HERE ALREADY?! I feel like this season flew by, but also seems like it’s been way too long. Let’s dive into the fantasy suites…

Just me or did Ivan get a haircut?? 

Brendan: “It’s especially difficult for me to be here before because I’ve been divorced before.”

Zac: “Bro SAME!” 

Oh hey Jojo. Thought you ditched La Quinta last week.

Chris Harrison literally taught me what the word forgo means. If I was in a spelling bee and had to use forgo in a sentence I would say, “should you choose to forgo your individual rooms and stay as a couple in the fantasy suite…” Lol. See the Bachelorette IS good for my brain Mom!!!!  

Ivan’s Date

Ivan really scored getting this first overnight date and then the producers just decided that was enough good things for him and made the date as painful as possible for him.

Wow this world record date is really bringing me back to paradise when Carly and Evan had to do this same thing except with hot peppers in their mouths!

The producers really fucked Ivan over by putting him in an ice bath before the fantasy suite. Poor, poor guy.

Those donuts outside their camper look good.

Ivan seeing their fantasy suite is in a camper 🙃🙃🙃🙃 Damn, what did he ever do to deserve this.

They look happy the morning after. I think Ivan is a great guy and that Tayshia likes him, but she always comments on how she’d have a good or decent life with Ivan, and she doesn’t want good, she wants GREAT.

The past two seasons the contestants have had to stay together during the fantasy suite week and that is just BRUTAL!

Zac’s Date 

This “painting date” is just a very long clip of Tayshia and Zac making out while rolling around. 

Tayshia walking to the same place she’s had dinner the past 100 days: “This is cute.” 

If Zac doesn’t end up with Tayshia it will crush him. BUT this experience opened him up to finding love again and having kids! I think that’s a win!


AND SHE SAID IT BACK WOW. Doesn’t Tayshia know it never ends well when the lead says “I love you” before it’s down to only one person?! Ben and Colton are prime examples of this!!

Is it game over? Do we have a winner? IDK!

Zac the morning after: “There were definitely moments of uhh…closeness.” Ok got it bud! 

Tayshia seems happy. I’m not a huge Zac fan, but I think they do fit together.

The awkward laughing around the three men sitting on the couch together is too much I’m getting second hand embarrassment.

Brendan’s Date 

Brendan is shitting himself on this date picking out a ring. This isn’t a good sign, they are foreshadowing that he is not ready.  

There is just straight fear in this man’s eyes.

Brendan: “You keep outdoing yourself with these dresses!” YAS Brendan I agree! That dress looks fire on her!! 

Tayshia questioning her relationship with Brendan: “Maybe Brendan just needs to know how I feel.”

How come Ben didn’t need to hear how you feel Tayshia?!?! 

Omg is he breaking up with her?! He is!!!

Brendan: “As I sit here today, my heart isn’t whole.” I love that he said that because it shows that you don’t need someone else to complete you. You should be complete yourself before you can give your heart to someone else.

I was never a huge Brendan fan but this is sad. I can see how this is really hard for Tayshia because she totally had her mind set on it being him at the end of this!! It’s hard to change that mindset this late in the game. If anyone remembers Desiree’s season, this happened with her and Brooks when he unexpectedly left and she was sure he was the one for her. But now she is happily married with her final pick and has two kids!!

Rose Ceremony

Is this another mimosa date with Jojo?? When is this girl gonna leave? JK nope! It’s Rachel! AMAZING! Queen! Needed more air time.

Omg they are talking about BEN. This is good this is good.

BEN IS BACK!!!! My heart is happy. I missed this man. 

Me when I see Ben back on my screen.

He is being so polite asking if everything is okay as he does it. Tayshia is struggling because she really wants to let Ben come back!!! However, she knows it is unfair to the other guys and that she had reservations about Ben for a reason. Does she just ignore all of those because he said he loved her? IDK!

Here’s my prediction: Tayshia lets Ben come back for the rose ceremony. She gives the roses to Zac and Ben and sends Ivan home. Ben and Zac meet her family and her family is really hesitant about Ben because he already went home. She ultimately picks Zac because she values her family’s opinion. I guess we will find out in part two!!! Thanks for reading:)

Finale Part Two

We pick right back up with Ben and Tayshia’s conversation deciding if he is going to stay or not.

Tayshia: “I’m concerned because in the future are you just going to runaway when things get hard?”

This frustrates me because he wasn’t running away from his feelings! He was just scared to share them! She sent him away!!!

This is so awkward them standing outside of her room omg. OH TAYSHIA WENT IN FOR THIS KISS! That was steeaaammmyyyyy.

Ben: “She kissed me and then I like blacked out because I was so happy.”

Rose Ceremony

Poor Ivan is about to get his heart ripped out of his chest. 

Wow so they are breaking up because of religion. I feel like that may be a cop out? 

Ivan is a classy man. He’ll find someone! 

Ben Meets the Parents 

Omg that Smile on Tayshia’s little brother’s face is precious.

Ben did a good job with the parents. He expressed his feelings and made them feel comfortable about how he felt about Tayshia.

Wow that whole day was just butterflies in the stomach. Good butterflies of course! I am a Ben fan.

Zac Meets the Parents 

Nothing notable about this meeting with the parents. Zac creeps me out a little bit. But the fam likes him. 

Soooo Tayshia’s dad comes to talk to her but the conversation seems to not get us anywhere and is very unhelpful. He didn’t explicitly say who he was concerned about her getting engaged to. BUT as we can see later Tayshia is wearing the same dress in her conversation with her dad as she is when she breaks up with Ben. So here’s my theory: Tayshia had her one on one with Zac and it went really well. Then her dad came to talk to her about Ben not being right for her (but we don’t see it on TV) and that’s when she realizes she has to go send Ben home. They just showed the conversation with her dad before Zac’s date so we would be nervous the whole time that she was going to send Zac home because she was having second thoughts due to her dad speaking with her prior to the date.

Zac’s Final One on One 

My big takeaways from this final date is that Zac is a wonderful and patient listener, and he is a GREAT speaker like always says the right thing. But I really don’t think he is calculated – I think he is genuine when he says those perfect lines.

Did anyone catch him doing the Matthew McConaughey impression?? He has been compared to him all season and just solidified they are one in the same.

Ben’s Final One on One

Well, this is the end of the road for Ben. Tayshia had her mind made up and unfortunately he wasn’t it for her. The good news for us is that we hopefully get to see Ben on paradise!! Trying to think of who would be a good match for him…maybe Sarah C. from Peter’s season? She went home far too soon!

Ben as he’s leaving: “I thought I was going to be her husband.” I’m tearing up omg.

At least the producers gifted us with this parting scene of Ben in the shower. Bless.

How come Blake Moynes got the most tears out of Tayshia during their breakup??? Like wouldn’t Ivan or Ben going home start the waterworks?? Weird.

The Proposal

This proposal ain’t at La Quinta. Looks like they plopped a platform down on the side of the desert highway.

Tayshia keeps crying because she’s overwhelmed in a good way, but it’s making me nervous!! Like I thought we were sure about Zac??

Zac’s speech was incredible. Take notes boys!! This is how you do it!!!

Tayshia: “I don’t know if I’ve ever had true love until now.” 

When Zac had to whisper because he was choking up it got to me. There were definitely tears coming from my eyes.

And 2020 redeems itself slightly… and then stabs us in the back again because NO AFTER THE FINAL ROSE? THIS IS BLASPHEMY! Like seriously I need closure! How are Tayshia and Zac doing?? They posted an Instagram story together so they are still engaged, but I must know more details!

Anyway, this was one crazy ride and I’m so glad I finally have a platform to share all my insights on. I super super super appreciate all of you who read these each week. As long as you keep reading, I’ll keep writing! Thank you thank you thank you! See y’all on January 4th for the start of Matt James’ sexy, sexy, sexy, body being shown every Monday on ABC!

Make sure to follow me on Twitter for live updates during the show! @heres_the_sitch.

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