Bachelorette Episodes 10 and 11: Can we get some AC up in here

Welcome welcome welcome to another week where ABC is giving me TWO different nights’ worth of excuses to be a lazy piece of shit and drink wine and eat Jingle Jangle! (If you don’t know what Jingle Jangle is go to your nearest Trader Joes ASAP)

Ugh…anyways, brace yourself this one’s a doozy!

We start off with Tayshia prepping for her one on one with Blake Moyes (the fact that he’s still here is simply mind blowing).

CHRIS HARRISON IS BACK wow why did I just breathe a sigh of relief lol. 

One on One with Blake 

Blake let’s not be so confident about getting a rose…………. 

Tayshia’s ponytail holds lots of power. Or…dare I say…secrets ???  

Blake and Tayshia are asked to de-robe and Tayshia just CAUSALLY has a whole ensemble underneath her dress.

Ok my OG’s know this straddling little exercise shows up at least once a season. I cannot escape it. 

I knew it was over the second they locked eyes and Tayshia looked like she’d literally rather be looking at a rat than Blake Moynes.  

Good Tayshia send him home now. Let’s not waste anyone’s time here! 

Sometimes there could be literally nothing wrong with a person, but there are just stronger connections. I think it’s a valid reason to breakup with someone!

Okay Tayshia this reaction is a little dramatic you talked to him maybe two times.

On a side note: Tayshia rocks rings.  

Tayshia: “Breaking up with Blake made me realize there’s something else I need to do tonight.”

Oh gosh what does she gotta do?!?!?!

The boys are low key pumped to see her because it means Blake went home. 

Aw poor Riley. I could see this one coming. Riley’s a good guy and will have a great life with someone special, just not a fit for Tayshia. 

Tayshia didn’t even give him a chance to change out of his sweatpants! 

Fun fact: If you are sent home from the show unexpectedly (like Riley) and did not have the chance to pack your suitcase, the producers will literally throw random things into a bag and mail it back to you. You lose tons of things and get sent with other people’s stuff because they don’t know what is actually yours!

Rose Ceremony 

Bennett is back.

Why does Ben look excited to see Bennett! No! 

Bennett: “I feel like I’m written off as this Harvard d-bag and I’m certainly not.” I beg to disagree Bennett!

Oh, um idk if this Japanese style kimono is working for me. Sorry Taysh.

Why is Bennett even here if he isn’t getting a chance to talk to Tayshia?!?! 

Ew the face Zac makes accepting his rose. I have the creeps people! The CREEPS! 

Bennett coming back just to get sent home AGAIN! 

Ok why do I feel bad when Noah is crying. He’s either somewhat heartbroken or reallllyyyy wants to go to paradise.

Tayshia not walking either guy out?!? Interesting. 

Tayshia relfecting on the night: “it’s so bizarre”

Me, a TikTok addict: “how bizarre?” 

Alright folks, we have it! The final four!

I go a little back in forth on this one, but I think I’ve decided that I agree with Brett on this one. These guys are all pretty mature and have given Tayshia so much of themselves. Time for her to give it back to them a little!

Men Tell All 

Why are there actually only eight guys there?? Such a bummer. I’m guessing because of COVID and travel restrictions, but let’s Zoom ’em in! (I just need a chance to see Spencer again tbh).

Oooooo Demar coming in hot with the frosted tips. 

Bennett going back to his roots with the scarf…not a vibe.

Bennett is so amused with himself watching the season back. 

Oh Noah just WENT there with Kenny and I’m here for it.

The BLACK BOX when they showed Blake and Tayshia’s date.

Chris “the savage” Harrison: “She charged your chakra.” BYE I’M OUT HE DID NOT JUST SAY THAT.  

Yosef, you should have regrets bud.

Okay so they are admitting Tayshia was called before Clare and Dale got engaged. That’s how they transitioned so quickly. 

I wouldn’t call Blake and Tayshias goodbye heartbreaking… 

Riley is INCREDIBLE. I don’t think him and Tayshia were right for each other, but he is a good addition to Bachelor Nation.

Ok Bennett giving Noah the SIPPY CUP IM LOLONG.

Tuesday Night

You made it through the first episode! Let’s dive right into what the Bachelorette is calling “hometowns” aka “bring your family to La Quinta.”

The boys hugging after finding out who from their family is coming🥺🥺 this is so pure 

Brendan’s hometown 

Aliyah is living her best life and I want to be her.  

Tayshia low key talking to her like she’s 5 though lol. 

Brendan’s sweating up a storm! 

Tayshia is smitten AF with Brendan…he’s taking the lead here for sure.

Jumping in the bounce house wearing a bandeau??? Tayshia has more trust in that top than I have in myself.  

Brendan’s family is precious. The most unproblematic hometown in the history of the show. 

Did Tayshia just say game over?? I am CONFUSED!

Zac’s Hometown 

This dress is working for you Tayshia!!! Best dressed Bachelorette. There. I said what I said!

The sweat on Zac’s forehead… 

This day portion was underwhelming. I was too focused on the sweat dripping off Zac’s ear to think about anything else. 

YES Zac’s dad breaking the fourth wall saying how awkward this really is! He is so stinkin’ cute. 

Okay where did these families come from they are FANTASTIC. 

Ivan’s Hometown 

Tayshia: “Ivan has this subtle confidence.” Yes! That’s exactly how I’d describe Ivan!

Can I just remind y’all Ivan is an aeronautical engineer ?! 

Omg this orange dress I NEED IT NOW. 

These poor families are feeling the heat.

These dads are PGOMs (Precious gem of a man for my non-toasters).

I like the Bachelorette hometowns better because the guys aren’t asking for permission to get married with four guys left. 


Gabe pulling out “Loyalty is an action word.” OK TRUE.

Ben’s Hometown

I can see Tayshia and Ben’s sister being good friends. They seem comfortable with each other. 

It was so cute when Antonia made him realize that he loved her. He was so happy.

Come on Ben please tell Tayshia!!!!! I feel like this isn’t going to go over well. 

Ugh I knew it he BLEW IT GO GET HER BEN !! This never ends well.

Rose Ceremony

This pink dress😩😩 Serving looks day n night!

How is she going to choose like actually idk.

13 minutes left at the start of the rose ceremony…something’s fishy. 

I totally thought Ivan was going home shit I’m nervous. Maybe Zac now?? 

HOLY FUCK I FEEL LIKE BEN IS GOING HOME. And home he went. Sigh.  

Ben: “I’m heartbroken, but I’ll be alright. I always am.” cue the MOTHERFUCKING TEARS.

*I can see why this would bother Tayshia because she doesn’t want him to be okay without her. She wants to know that he is heartbroken. It’s sort of twisted, but hey, this show is all about twisted!

Tayshia watching this back seeing that Ben loved her. That’s gotta mean something to her.

It frustrates me that Tayshia is asking for more out of Ben in the moment that she sent him home. I understand that she wanted to see him upset in order to prove to her that their relationship meant something to him, but he was in such shock that he literally couldn’t understand what was happening. He was stunned. She probably is thinking that if he couldn’t say he loved her then he wasn’t ready for a relationship, but neither Zac nor Ivan has said it to her!! So why does Ben have to!!!

I’m worried about Ben because he opened up his sole to Tayshia, and from what we saw, she gave him NOTHING in return.

Well, I’m exhausted. That was quite a week. Next week we jump right into fantasy suites and the finale. Maybe we will see the return of Benjamin??

Catch y’all on the flip!

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