Bachelorette Episode 8: The Return of Emotional Intelligence No One Asked For

Gooooooooooood morning friends and welcome back to another week of ~reactions~ to the show that I am far too involved in!

We start off with Tayshia looking fab walking around her room with a tray of croissants…doesn’t look staged at all, good work production.


Jojo is actually the most beautiful woman on the planet. Her and Tayshia together are just unreal.

We cut to the boys hanging out on the couch ready to see what is in store for another THRILLING week at La Quinta.

Chris Harrison enters with Jojo and tells the men he is going to drop his son off at college and Jojo will be taking over. The guys are like shiiiitttttt can we pick her?!? Ed is devastated about his bff leaving.

Bennett is dressed and ready to go to the country club. 

Ben’s shirt reminds me of those commercials where shirt necklines are so stretched out and they recommend a new detergent that doesn’t damage your clothes. You know what I mean??? Hard to explain. But he needs one of those detergents..

Zac. C. gets the one on one. I’m cool with it.

One on One with Zac. C.

Where can I get that photographers outfit though….

Photographer: “look at how beautiful these dresses are!”

Tayshia: “ohhhh…um…”  

Idk if Zac understands this isn’t his real wedding. He’s looking at Tayshia like they are about to be legally bonded for life.

Wait why are these photos horrible quality lol I hope they didn’t pay too much for this.

Zac does look good on paper but something about him is just… off… 

WOW I did not expect Zac to have this type of troubled past. He does not give off that kind of vibe.

Zac talking about his traumatic life: “it was the best ride.” 

I’m not so sure I’d call it that! 

Zac gets the rose. Tayshia is feeling him. I’m just meh.

Group Date 

Damn these boys just keep getting put through the ringer day in and day out. 

Blake: “This will be the third time I’m getting naked on this show. I’m not here for it.”

ME EITHER BLAKE, ME EITHER. This show should be called double standards.  

They end up not having to actually get naked, but they do have to look at naked people! Woohoo!

I am DYING at these boys’ drawings.  

Bennett is just starting unnecessary shit. It’s like he’s just doing things to spite Noah instead of impressing Tayshia.

Oh god what is Ben’s self portrait going to be I’m nervous. 

WHAT THE FACKKKK BEN. That body though👀👀

Annnnd all the boys win! Tayshia just being so fair and reasonable this whole season! 

Group Date Cocktail Party

You guys if you haven’t seen Ben on Tik Tok you MUST he is just 1000 times more attractive. 

Look at all of these men being so vulnerable and in touch with their emotions!!

Ben shedding a single tear: “don’t look at it Tayshia!!!” 

Omg TAYSHIA savage she just brings up Noah and Bennett and then leaves.

I’m with Noah on this one. Bennett does talk down to people. Age does not correlate with maturity!! I feel this so hard. 

One on One with Eazy 

Tayshia falling over because she thought she was so funny scaring him lol. 

Them laughing at each other is killing me.

WOAH WOAH WOAH EAZY is falling in love I did not expect that. You could see in Tayshia’s eyes she was shocked. 


We should have known this was coming when the guys were talking about how they were sure Eazy was getting a rose. The producers were laying it out right in front of us!!! Rookie mistake Sophie, rookie mistake. I didn’t think this show could shock me anymore. Nevertheless, the producers persist.

Bennett and Noah Two on One

Producers: Okay Blake now bring up Bennett and Noah! 

*Enter Jojo channeling her inner Chris Harrison and announcing that both Bennett and Noah can’t move on two next week. Only one will survive.*

Bennett with these subtle digs inside his “present” for Noah. This is so condescending I CANNOT. So belittling.

Bennett’s likeness has been a roller coaster this season. He started off as a douche, then became funny and entertaining, and now he’s back to being unlikeable.


Taylor Nolan vibes from Nick Vaill’s season anyone?!?!?! 

Noah is being very respectful listening to Bennett, I would go OFF. Dare I say…justice…for…Noah?

Oh shit next week looks INTENSE and I CANT WAIT😈😈

It bothers me so much when we leave off on a cliff hanger. I love a clean wrap up with a rose ceremony so we can move on and start the next week on a fresh note.

Thank you to any new friends who read this recap !!! I hope you stick around 🙂 See ya betches next Tuesday for more emotional turmoil. My favorite.

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