Bachelorette Episode 4: Blake bought a BOOK

We start off the morning after the group date when Clare gave the rose to *drumroll please*…herself!

*Chris Harrison enters* Is this the blowing up the Bachelorette convo?!?! 

Clare respects getting to know the guys but…hasn’t…even…gotten…to…know…them…

She already set her mind on Dale before filming even started!!!! Talk about tunnel vision.

So she stalked Dale..everyday? We all stalk boys we like, but we don’t tell the WORLD CLARE!!

I believe her that she didn’t talk to him before the show. I honestly wish they did talk so getting engaged after 10 days would make more sense lol.

I genuinely hope this works out for the two of them. 

CHRIS WIPING A TEAR OMG that was precious. 

There it is! The line we’ve all been waiting for! Annnndd it was just as anticlimactic as I imagined.

I hope Eazy and Tayshia fall in love. 

All of these guys are so hopeful going into the cocktail party. Isn’t it so cute they think they actually have a shot! Aw.

*cue Chris Harrison entering ready to fuck shit up*

THE ANGER IN THESE BOYS’ EYES. Honestly I’d be angry as heck too. They have just been sitting around WAITING to be told what the freak is going on here.

Blake: “Guys! It’s not over! There’s no way she already picked Dale!”

Blake….you are just so wrong my friend….. I bet you are cringing watching this back. 

Clare and Dale’s One on One-ish type of date? 

And we back with the sequins…giving me Becca K vibes. 

Oh she’s in LOVE love. Not just falling. Jeepers. 

Dale: *says anything*

Clare: “yeahhhhhhhhhhh” 

I can’t tell if it’s fear or love in Dale’s eyes lol. 


This is the longest, most meaningful conversation the producers have ever aired. I’m proud of them. 

Why is Clare just being so cringe rn. 

Clare: “Wait both our parents hitchhiked?! We should get MARRIED!”

CHRIS AND BRI! Wow I missed those sweet, sweet voices. Bring out Rudi and Matt though you know what I mean?

I can’t imagine the inner monologue Chris and Bri were having watching Clare and Dale suck face for 3.5 minutes right in front of their eyes. 

The Morning After

Why do the producers always gotta pan to the clothes on the floor?? LIKE we get it!! 

Dale…there is not a lot of time left. She is DONZO. You are it my friend. No escaping now.

BLAKE dude you should just stop talking. Everything that comes out of your mouth is so wrong. 

*Enter Chris for another girl chat*

NO Chris the next step is not a proposal! There are so many better answers! Maybe like…tell the other guys…date for a while…move in together…get a dog…get a fish…meet the family…go on a trip…go out to dinner…IDK ANYTHING LITERALLY ANYTHING ELSE!

Clare: “Does Dale wanna get engaged to me?”

Also Clare: “Who cares! Chris and the producers will figure it out!”

THESE BOYS NEED ANSWERS! They literally know nothing. They don’t see any of these behind-the-scenes interviews like we do. 

Oh shit this is going to down. Kenny is noooooot happy.

*Clare tells the men she is done with them* These are some stand up guys. Wow I am impressed. 

Ugh poor Jason. He really trusted her and felt real feelings for her. 

OMG BLAKE HE BOUGHT A FREAKING BOOK! I think he’s in such denial and shock right now he is coming off as angry. Poor guy is just sad. 

NEIL FREAKIN LANE has entered the chat!!!! This whole convo is staged obviously. 

Dale to the camera: “There’s no pressure” *Chris enters with the pressure* 

CHRIS THERE ARE SO MANY MORE STEPS! This show really twisted your brain into thinking that an engagement is the natural follow up to 10 days of dating.

I think producers really pushed Chris Harrison to lead Dale towards a proposal. They were DONE with Clare. Tayshia has been sitting in the limo for 3 days now and is getting tired of this shit! It’s her time to shine!

Clare should just leave that chair there. Chris is coming in and chatting enough. 

The Proposal

Chris to Dale: “Ready for tonight?”

Dale: “Honestly, no lol”

HE’S DOING IT! Wow they really must have held a gun to his head or something.

*Clare acting shocked that they are engaged*

That ring is fire though.

I hope Clare and Dale work out. What I think most people are up in arms about is that most other Bachelorettes and Bachelors have a sense of who they are going to pick right away, but they go through the process to make SURE. Sometimes forming relationships with other men makes you more confident in your decision to choose the other guy or girl. However, Clare had her mind made up as soon as she walked in, even if she doesn’t want to admit it, and that is where she lost a lot of support from fans of the show. I may not have agreed with how she handled this season or some of the decisions she made, but I respect her for following her heart and doing what she thinks is right for her at that time. Girl has been through some shit on National TV so this love is deserved!


Okay hear me out…Chasen and Tayshia…? 

Bennett: “Honestly I was never invested” hahaha tell us how you really feel dude.

I understand why some of these men are having a hard time just forgetting about Clare and moving on to another Bachelorette. Think about it – some of them have known they were going to be on the show as early as JANUARY. They have been thinking about Clare and pretty much only Clare for MONTHS during quarantine. She has occupied so much space in their minds that they are having trouble just wiping her away so quickly. However, I think someone new to obsess over is the perfect medicine for getting over someone else 🙂

And with that…CUE TAYSHIA! Oh for the love of God someone fix her flyaways.

I KNEW IT I KNEW ABC WASN’T GOING TO LET US SEE THE GUYS’ REACTIONS! UGH! Good news is since this week’s episode was on Thursday, we have less than a week to wait!

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