Bachelor Episode 5: Congrats to Matts Everywhere

Happy Tuesday my little reality TV addicts! I was looking forward to the episode this week because honestly, anything would be better than the monstrosity that was last week’s episode. Let’s swan dive right in!

First thought of the night: Brittany is BEAUTIFUL.

Second thought of the night: too bad Anna sucks because I love her dress.

Did Matt get a haircut?? Looking sharp big fella!

Annnnddd Anna’s stank face is coming out in full force when Matt addresses the group about the rumor that she started. At least Anna knows it’s her and isn’t trying to deny it??

Matt is handling this well with Brittany. He’s making her feel very reassured which is good.  

MJ: “There’s not a toxic environment in the house.” WHAT HOUSE ARE YOU IN LIVING IN MJ?!

YES MATT! I am proud of him for making this decision to send Anna home.

And I respect that he said she’s not a horrible person, because she might not be?? She did a horrible thing, but that doesn’t necessarily mean she’s a horrible person. 

Matt saying that he wants to make the house a safe space for the other women is incredible. We stan!!!!

Did I actually just hear Victoria apologize? Or do I need my hearing checked? 

Victoria: “There’s no one in there that he could marry besides me.”

HAHAHAH Victoria is now switching the narrative because she knows she’s in deep shit. She is now saying, “Matt isn’t the one for me” like SHE is rejecting HIM when it really is the other way around.

Lol Brittany and Matt both tried to go over on the hug.

Matt James with a power move giving two new girls the first two roses. A statement my friends!  

Katie, I love you, but let’s get some style advice up in here. 

Mari and Lauren leaving ????? Serena C. getting the rose?? I had high hopes for Mari she seemed cute!! And Lauren was so impressive!

And my friends, the moment we have all been waiting for, Queen Victoria is GONZO! I’m surprised that the producers weren’t holding Matt at gunpoint to keep her this week. Or maybe they were…and he was willing to risk it all…

Rachel’s One on One 

I mean it is about time she gets one. But after the shit that’s out there about her on social media, I will be frowning the whole time. 

Ugh I’m smiling fuck. This is the best date to be on.

THAT’S Matt’s favorite dress? I’m worried. 

I would never let Matt look at my feet.

Back at the house Abigail does not get the second one on one and she is confused. I’d be confused if I were Abigail too!!! She got the first impression rose and since then Matt has just been leaving her hanging!

Rachel looks BEAUTIFUL. I must have that dress. I want to be buried in that dress.

Omfg the news just interrupted this date because of the snowstorm. I’m pissed. 

Oh shit they are falling in love!!! 

This just shows how much the audience does NOT see. They “fell in love” and we did not see any of it. Instead we were #blessed with the Kindergarten drama amongst the house.

Group Date

MJ is getting all the attention this week because all the other villains are gone and someone has to be the devil!

Wow that make out sesh with Pieper was🔥🔥🔥

These girls are just really spiraling this week. I mean Michelle come on – you’ve been here one week. 

Give Abigail the time she needs! She’s getting lots of airtime tonight, so I think something good is coming for her…

So do I show the surgeon Chelsea’s face structure and they’ll just know what to do to me?? And I’ll show my dentist her teeth too. 

Okay Abigail’s talk with Matt has got me tearing up. She’s so pure!!  

Oooooo Michelle with those neck kisses. I feel like I shouldn’t be watching this!

MJ has phenomenal skin.  

MJ to Brittany when she tries to interrupt: “give us one more minute.” 

Matt: “Actually I’ll just talk to you tomorrow night.” OH SHIIITTTTTT.  

MJ should not be asking for an apology. She is deflecting! Great word choice Katie!

No Bri air time tonight??? WE RIDE AT DAWN. 

Abigail with the group date rose though🥰🥰 

Kit’s One on One 

She just seems so young!! I am having trouble buying into their love story…sorry Kit 🙁

Matt: “What would our life look like after this?”

Kit: “Oh shit do we have to like keep dating when this is over??”

Cocktail Party 

I forget who said it but someone said, “Matt needs to take care of MJ like he took care of Victoria.” WHY ARE THEY SPEAKING LIKE HE IS KILLING THEM OFF ONE BY ONE.

Classic Tammy and Mykenna from Peter’s season situation. In the end, both girls will probably just end up going home.

I was shook when Jessenia said that. Like omg they know they are on a show?!?! Also Jessenia really just came out of nowhere this episode.

The dramatic music is too much.

MJ keeps talking about how she leads by example and preaches peace and harmony.

I actually don’t doubt this is true, we just probably don’t see it. However, it does not excuse her other actions.

I am STOKED for next week. We have a Tyler C. cameo AND Heather Martin is showing up?????? Whew, I’m nervous.

Thanks for coming along for the ride. May your hangover be short and your love for Bri be everlasting🥰🥰🥰 Until next time!

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