Bachelor Episode 1: Long Time No See

Well, well, well. Look at us. Another season of The Bachelor just thrown into our faces before we even had time to digest The Bachelorette. I am like the biggest Bachelor Franchise fan, however even I am not incredibly excited to go through another season right now. Obviously I will still watch every second, but it’s exhausting man!!

I started this one about 20 minutes in just FYI so I missed Matt’s introduction. But seems like we like him??

Chris Harrison cracking the jokes right from the start: “You’re not going to find a wife standing out here with me.” 

This convo between Chris and Matt seems awfully staged. However, I can see how Matt would be just totally overwhelmed because he was never even on the Bachelorette! He’s going in with very little knowledge about what the heck is going on.

That fire crackling sound in the background is so pleasing to me.

Okay so I am going to be rating the ladies’ limo entrances along with some of their dresses! Obviously, I do not know these people so all of the judgements I am making are superficial and not about who they actually are as people!!  

Bri 24

  • Entrance thoughts: really pretty, nice smile, boring entrance
  • Dress: INCREDIBLE. One of my favorite dresses of the night. She really pulled it off.

Rachael 24

  • Entrance thoughts: nothing remarkable, says she’s here for Matt, we will probably here that line a billion more times.

Sarah 24

  • Entrance thoughts: I liked that she said “hopefully one day home will feel like it’s with me.”

Jessenia 27

  • Entrance thoughts: a little too excited and rehearsed.

Chelsea 28

  • Entrance thoughts: she has incredible cheek bones and she is tall!
  • Dress: okay HOW does she pull off that dress?! Seriously she rocks the shit out of it.

Mari 24

  • Entrance thoughts: he seemed unenthused by her. Okay never mind I guess he was just speechless??

Magi 32

  • Entrance thoughts: wow from Ethiopia. Hope she doesn’t go home night one. That’d be a waste of a trip.

Carolyn 30

  • Entrance thoughts: I like the lavender gesture.

Sydney 28

  • Entrance thoughts: “I just have to let you know, you are the hottest human being I have ever met.” Honestly Sydney, so relatable.

Kristin 27

  • Entrance thoughts: Makes an attorney joke, lots of facial expressions happening.

Anna 24

  • Entrance thoughts: amazing voice, cute Bachelor survival kit idea.  

Khlaylah 28

  • Entrance thoughts: I like the truck, it’s a good way to stand out.

Serena C. 24

  • Entrance thoughts: wait I loved that she tripped it lightened the mood so much.
  • Dress: FAVORITE OF THE NIGHT! Love the color and simplicity but also the little details like the cowl neck.

Serena P. 22

  • Entrance thoughts: brought the step stool, glad someone is acknowledging Matt’s height!!!

Alicia 24

  • Entrance thoughts: she must have been so nervous to do those ballet moves, but she pulled it off!
  • Dress: that hot pink is fire. She looked great in it.

Saneh 25

  • Entrance thoughts: did not like this one, the goat slippers weirded me out.

Alana 25

  • Entrance thoughts: there’s always one that makes a move to kiss the Bachelor on night one! I hate this ploy. It’s awkward for Matt because he can’t say no.

Kaili 25

  • Entrance thoughts: if I had her body I’d walk in in lingerie as well! Matt likes the confidence! 

Abigail 25

  • Entrance: Matt had a great reaction to finding out she’s deaf. She is beautiful!!
  • Dress: A little too simple for my taste, but it’s still gorgeous.

Corinne 22

  • Entrance: nothing notable.
  • Dress: I’m sorry but this dress ain’t it. Half sleeves should be illegal.

Marylynn 28, Emani 25, Lauren 29

  • Barely saw any of their entrances. Nothing to write home about.

Pieper 23

  • Entrance thoughts: love her dad always wants her to keep her last name, and it’s so cool that it’s James!!

MJ 23

  • Entrance thoughts: I would bring food too! Glad that she laughed at herself when the door was locked.

Katie 29

  • Entrance thoughts: one word: SAVAGE.
  • Dress: I loved this one. The sequins are classy and help her stand out. Good choice, Katie.

Kimberly 28

  • Entrance thoughts: brings a fish, kinda weird.

Casandra 25

  • Entrance thoughts: someone always puts the last name of the Bachelor somewhere aka Caelynn from Colton’s season.

Illeana 29

  • Entrance thoughts: made him laugh, good job. Brought food. Good. I don’t like her carrying a purse though.

Kit 21

  • Entrance thoughts: ah, the socialite. Just showing her privilege right from start with the Bentley!
  • Matt: “uhhhh I will not have trouble finding you later.” Definitely trying his best not to insult her dress lol.
  • Dress: This dress ain’t it sis. Not for night one. Also the SHOES?! At least wear a cute shoe if you’re going to go for it with that dress girlfriend.

Victoria 27

  • Entrance thoughts: she is going to be annoying I can already tell. The fall while walking away was incredible. She was definitely embarrassed and should have just laughed it off with Matt instead of running away basically.
  • Dress: Reminds me of high school prom or a pageant. Not timeless.

Cocktail Party 

Matt begins the night with a prayer. I’ve seen a lot of controversy about this on Twitter. Here are my thoughts – if he feels like that’s what he needs to do to get in the right headspace, go for it. Religion is a huge part of his life and whoever ends up with him is going to have to be okay with it. If the women were not comfortable with the prayer, they did not have to participate. I just wish he said something in the beginning where he told the women they shouldn’t feel pressure to partake in the prayer, but he would be doing it for those who wanted to.

He starts with a talk with Rachael. Looks as though he likes her! They had a good convo. Unfortunately I am seeing some TikTok rumors from someone who knows Rachael that Rachael has said some inappropriate racist remarks in the past…I’ll keep you updated.

We are then showed a conversation between Matt and a girl who’s name I literally could not tell you. She is from Puerto Rico and he asked a very genuine question about how her family has dealt with the tragedies in PR over the past years. Vibrator Katie decides this is the perfect time to interrupt! What horrible timing!

Katie honestly is doing it right though, she’s not going to be forgotten! The first night is all about making an impression, whether that be good or bad.

Khaylah from North Carolina crushed it with that pickup truck setup. Such a cute way to make the most of her time with Matt.

Kit gets a one second convo with Matt and I just don’t think they are on the same level in any way shape or form. “Queen” Victoria comes to interrupt and you can just tell kit and Victoria are going to be pit against each other the whole season. They are both used to being the center of attention!

So we cut back to the girls mingling and Victoria is getting ready for round two stealing Matt away. I meeaaannnn I don’t like Victoria, but she isn’t wrong about these girls not trying with Matt. They can’t just sit around and expect him to notice them! She just could have said it in a less aggressive way.

Bri talks to Matt next and she is giving me MAJOR Katie Morton from Colton’s season vibes. She has a good talk with Matt and they seem to get along and have some similarities. I allmmmooosttt thought they were going to kiss. There was definitely a moment where they thought about it and then idk what happened.

Abigail gets the first (real) kiss and the first impression rose!! She is adorable and seems really genuine. I hope she doesn’t disappoint us down the road.

Rose Ceremony

Bri got the first rose so she was definitely top of Matt’s mind. And Rachael next! He’s liking those two for sure. Top 3 for Matt right now I think are Abigail, Rachael, and Bri. It’s just night one though, anything can change!! The past Bachelor’s do not have a great track record giving out the first impression rose i.e. Ben Higgins giving it to Olivia Caridi (whom I love now).

Going home are Casandra, Alicia, Emani, Saneh, Amber, Corrinne, Carolyn, and Kimberly.

I didn’t watch the super tease because honestly the first night is just so overwhelming!!! But I heard we see Heather M. make an appearance? That’ll be interesting.

And this is where I leave you. That was exhausting! Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you keep reading, I keep writing! See y’all next Monday.

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